Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I Am Who I Am

I like to cuddle, but I need my space when I sleep.

I am well-educated and a college graduate. I’m sorry if that makes you feel insecure, but I have every right to be proud of my accomplishments.

Penn State was the best four years of my life to date. My friends went to Penn State. I love Penn State. Deal with it.

I may not be the most affectionate person and a little bit standoffish, but I have an open heart and have extremely sensitive feelings. Please don’t take advantage of this.

I will judge you by your grammar. It doesn’t matter if it’s how you talk or how you write. There is a difference between “your” and “you’re,” as well as “them” and “those.” Learn the correct usage.

I am naturally a glass half empty kind of person; sometimes I just need a little extra shove to see the positive.

If you don’t ask me to do something because you think I will say no, you can’t hold that against me in the future. You don’t know if you don’t ask.

I am independent and don’t always need to be doted on. Don’t expect me to dote on you either.

I don’t like to stay up late on weekdays. I like to be in bed. Sleeping. I am 25, not 16.

I may not be the most girly girl, but I deserve to be treated with the respect of a lady.

I am punctual. I think it is rude to keep people waiting.

I have high standards and morals. I will hold you to my level. If you can’t meet them, you probably don’t belong in my life.

Sometimes it takes me months to decide if I like a shirt and that only goes on my body. Don't expect immediate access to me physically. You need to prove yourself and earn it.

My clothes aren’t expensive or name brand, but I like them.

I like to wear underwear that covers the goods. I still think they are cute. I don’t get dressed for you.

Sometimes I drink too much. I am working on it.

Sometimes I like chicken fingers or pizza for breakfast. This does not make me strange. I'm not going to judge you for eating eggs for dinner. Food is food.

I like people. I like talking to people. I like talking to people I don’t know. You should be secure enough to know what my feelings are and be able to let me be me.

My friends are not always the best, but they are pretty great. Nobody is perfect. Who is picking me up long after you pushed me down? Them. Not you.

My family is far from perfect. They drive me up the wall. But they will be there for me long after you have abandoned me.

I am tired of treating people how I want to be treated. This has gotten me nowhere. I will treat you how you treat me. Don’t like my tone? Change yours.

I am who I always have been. Accept it, reject it, just don’t expect me to change if I don’t want to.

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